
Introduction to Mesa

Mesa is an OpenGL compatible 3D graphics library.



Mesa is updated relatively often. You may want to use the latest available 23.1.x mesa version.



Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.

Package Information

  • Download (HTTP):

  • Download MD5 sum: 6c89b2d1335993d708e1810eacfba9e4

  • Download size: 18 MB

  • Estimated disk space required: 465 MB (with docs, add 216 MB for tests)

  • Estimated build time: 2.6 SBU (with docs; add 0.5 SBU for tests; both with parallelism=4)

Additional Downloads

Mesa Dependencies


Xorg Libraries, libdrm-2.4.118, and Mako-1.3.0



libgcrypt-1.10.3, libunwind-1.6.2, lm-sensors-3-6-0 , Nettle-3.9.1, Valgrind-3.22.0, mesa-demos (provides more than 300 extra demos to test Mesa; this includes the same programs added by the patch above), Bellagio OpenMAX Integration Layer (for mobile platforms), glslang (for vulkan drivers), libtizonia, and Vulkan-Loader

Kernel Configuration

Enable the following options in the kernel configuration and recompile the kernel if necessary:

Device Drivers --->
  Graphics support --->
    <*/M>   Direct Rendering Manager (XFree86 4.1.0 and higher DRI support) --->
                                                                      ...  [DRM]
    # For r300 or r600:
    < /*/M> ATI Radeon                                              [DRM_RADEON]
    # For radeonsi:
    < /*/M> AMD GPU                                                 [DRM_AMDGPU]
    [*]       Enable amdgpu support for SI parts                 [DRM_AMDGPU_SI]
    [*]       Enable amdgpu support for CIK parts               [DRM_AMDGPU_CIK]
      Display Engine Configuration --->
      [*]   AMD DC - Enable new display engine                      [DRM_AMD_DC]
    # For nouveau:
    < /*/M> Nouveau (NVIDIA) cards                                 [DRM_NOUVEAU]
    # For i915, crocus, or iris:
    < /*/M> Intel 8xx/9xx/G3x/G4x/HD Graphics                         [DRM_I915]
    # For swrast:
    < /*/M> Virtual GEM provider                                      [DRM_VGEM]
    # For svga:
    < /*/M> DRM driver for VMware Virtual GPU                       [DRM_VMWGFX]


The corresponding Mesa Gallium3D driver name is provided as the comment for the configuration entries. If you don't know the name of the Mesa Gallium3D driver for your GPU, see Mesa Gallium3D Drivers below.

CONFIG_DRM_RADEON, CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU, CONFIG_DRM_NOUVEAU, and CONFIG_DRM_I915 may require firmware. See About Firmware for details.

Selecting CONFIG_DRM_RADEON or CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU as y is not recommended. If it is, any required firmware must be built as a part of the kernel image or the initramfs for the driver to function correctly.

The sub-entries under CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU are used to ensure the AMDGPU kernel driver supports all GPUs using the radeonsi driver. They are not needed if you won't need CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU itself. They may be unneeded for some GPU models.

For swrast, CONFIG_DRM_VGEM is not strictly needed but recommended as an optimization.

Installation of Mesa

If you have downloaded the xdemos patch (needed if testing the Xorg installation per BLFS instructions), apply it by running the following command:

patch -Np1 -i ../mesa-add_xdemos-2.patch

Remove two unneeded references to LLVM headers to avoid a build failure with LLVM 17 or later:

sed '/Scalar.h/d;/Utils.h/d' \
    -i src/gallium/auxiliary/gallivm/lp_bld_init.c

Install Mesa by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup                   \
      --prefix=$XORG_PREFIX   \
      --buildtype=release     \
      -Dplatforms=x11,wayland \
      -Dgallium-drivers=auto  \
      -Dvulkan-drivers=""     \
      -Dvalgrind=disabled     \
      -Dlibunwind=disabled    \
      ..                      &&


To test the results, issue: meson configure -Dbuild-tests=true && ninja test. One test relating to mesa:util is known to timeout

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

If desired, install the optional documentation by running the following commands as the root user:

install -v -dm755 /usr/share/doc/mesa-23.1.8 &&
cp -rfv ../docs/* /usr/share/doc/mesa-23.1.8

Command Explanations

--buildtype=release: This switch ensures a fully-optimized build, and disables debug assertions which will severely slow down the libraries in certain use-cases. Without this switch, build sizes can span into the 2GB range.

-Dgallium-drivers=auto: This parameter controls which Gallium3D drivers should be built. auto selects all Gallium3D drivers available for x86: r300 (for ATI Radeon 9000 or Radeon X series), r600 (for AMD/ATI Radeon HD 2000-6000 series), radeonsi (for AMD Radeon HD 7000 or newer AMD GPU models), nouveau (for Supported NVIDIA GPUs, they are listed as all 3D features either DONE or N/A in the Nouveau status page), virgl (for QEMU virtual GPU with virglrender support; note that BLFS qemu-8.1.2 is not built with virglrender), svga (for VMWare virtual GPU), swrast (using CPU for 3D rasterisation; note that it's much slower than using a modern 3D-capable GPU, so it should be only used if the GPU is not supported by other drivers), iris (for Intel GPUs shipped with Broadwell or newer CPUs), crocus (for Intel GMA 3000, X3000 series, 4000 series, or X4000 series GPUs shipped with chipsets, or Intel HD GPUs shipped with pre-Broadwell CPUs), i915 (for Intel GMA 900, 950, 3100, or 3150 GPUs shipped with chipsets or Atom D/N 4xx/5xx CPUs). You may replace auto with a comma-separated list to build only a subset of these drivers if you precisely know which drivers you need, for example -Dgallium-drivers=radeonsi,iris,swrast.

-Dplatforms="...": This parameter controls which windowing systems will be supported. Available linux platforms are x11 and wayland.

-Dvulkan-drivers="": This switch allows choosing which Vulkan drivers are built. The default is auto, but this requires the optional dependencies glslang and Vulkan-Loader. Vulkan is a newer API designed for utilizing the GPUs with a performance better than OpenGL, but nothing in BLFS benefits from it for now. So we pass an empty list in order to remove the need for these dependencies.

-Dvalgrind=disabled: This parameter disables the usage of Valgrind during the build process. Remove this parameter if you have Valgrind installed, and wish to check for memory leaks.

-Dlibunwind=disabled: This parameter disables the usage of libunwind.

meson configure -Dbuild-tests=true: This command will reconfigure the build to set -Dbuild-tests=true, but keep the other options specified in the meson setup command unchanged. It allows ninja test to build and run unit tests.

-Degl-native-platform="...": This parameter controls which Embedded Graphics Library support will be built. Available linux options are auto (default), x11, wayland, surfaceless, and drm.


Installed Programs: glxgears and glxinfo
Installed Libraries:,,,,,, and
Installed Drivers:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and (Many of these drivers are hard-linked).
Installed Directories: $XORG_PREFIX/{include/{EGL,GLES,GLES2,GLES3,KHR}, $XORG_PREFIX/lib/{dri,vdpau}}, $XORG_PREFIX/share/drirc.d (contains workarounds for various applications, particularly browsers and games), and /usr/share/doc/mesa-23.1.8

Short Descriptions


is a GL demo useful for troubleshooting graphics problems


is a diagnostic program that displays information about the graphics hardware and installed GL libraries

provides a native platform graphics interface as defined by the EGL-1.4 specification

is the Mesa Graphics Buffer Manager library

is the Mesa OpenGL ES 1.1 library

is the Mesa OpenGL ES 2.0 library

is the main Mesa OpenGL library