This directory is for my notes on how to get more glyphs out of the keyboard in Xorg. Much of this is specific to a British ('gb') keymap, but others might find useful things along the way. 1. accents-and-diacriticals-in-xorg My notes from 2013. 2. new gb maps - deader and rusphon On one of my desktops, I have now changed to xfce under lxdm (instead of startx and icewm). That meant that my icewm-specific Xmodmap routines to switch betwee gb, greek, and phonetic russian keymaps cannot be used. What I have now done is to add TWO new gb keymaps - 'deader' (more dead keys) and 'rusphon' (phonetic russian for a gb keyboard - compare the russian layout in the 'de' keymaps of Xorg). After past pain with switching between 3 keyboard layouts in xorg (I get confused about which map I am in), I decided to use just two keymaps, with Left Control + Left Windows for gb (the default) and Right Control + Menu for russian. For each of these, I have assigned 'dead_greek' to the AltGr-g key. This setup has two drawbacks, but I can live with them : (i.) Keying greek letters now needs a lot more keypresses, but I very rarely key any greek, usually only when I am testing that things still work. (ii.) In LibreOffice Writer, when I change to the russian map the Menu key causes a menu to appear, but the change is made. I can live with this (also, can open a term and switch to that while I key Right Ctrl + Menu). As noted in item (1.) above, I set the GTK_IM_MODULE to xim in ~/.xinitrc. With lxdm, that file is not read, so I have had to add the following to ~/.xprofile: export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim" Initially, I forgot to mention how I control this - I use 11-keyboard.conf, that now looks like this: Section "InputClass" Identifier "keyboard-all" Driver "evdev" # for my own russian variant, specific to a gb keyboard, I put it in gb Option "XkbLayout" "gb,gb" Option "XkbModel" "evdev" # add my own 'deader' gb variant - more dead keys Option "XkbVariant" "deader,rusphon" Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl_alt_bksp,grp:lctrl_lwin_rctrl_menu,compose:caps" MatchIsKeyboard "on" EndSection I also forgot to mention that changing things meant Right-Shift + AltGr no longer worked as Compose, and has never been listed as an option, so I've gone for Compose on Caps Lock. I have also had to work on my ~/.XCompose - (a) AltGr g used to give me ukrainian ghe with upturn, so I had to add that to thecompositions. (b) The standard dead_greek compositions in the en_US file have two problems for me: the mappings are nothing like the real greek keyboard I had been used to, and there are no sequences for diacriticals (tonos, dialytika). Also, when I am on the rusphon map the letters become their cyrillic equivalents and these needed mapping. So, I now present the following as examples of how to change things: 2.1 xkeyboard-config-2.12-gbdeader.patch This applies my changes to the source. I cannot see any point in trying to send this upstream, it is specific to my use, but posted here as an example. 2.2 xkb-apply-gbdeader.patch That applies my changes to an already-installed system. To apply it you need to be in the xkb directory and apply it with -p0. 2.3 XCompose - to use this, save it as ~/.XCompose : there are three of my cyrillic compositions which do not work (marked by FIXME), but overall it is "good enough" for me. 2014-10-01 - Created. 2020-06-21 - I noticed this is still present, but the patches are out of date. At some point I needed to use a US keyboard, and missed the dead accents I was accustomed to. So, I created an -en-full patch to cover both key layouts, with 'deader' and 'rusphon' for the names of the american layouts. When xkeyboard-config-2.27 came out, the patches no-longer applied so I rediffed. Those still work in xkeyboard-config-2.30 although I'm back on GB keyboards.